Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just this close to being finished with artwork for Daisylocks

Since I'm almost done with the art for Daisylocks I figure it's time to procrastinate a little before  finishing the last spread. So I'm posting some more images from the book.
Not enough room to spread out

Too busy and crowded

Daisy decides to look for some place better to put down roots.
And last but not least, I'm showing you the very first spread from Daisylocks as my last image on the blog - hope that makes sense. I'm not showing everything from the book but you get a good feel for how the book will look. And I won't be showing the final spread. You'll have to wait until Spring 2014 to see if Daisylocks finds a place that's "just right".

Thanks for taking a look, hope you enjoyed the art. It's always fun to collaborate on another book with Marianne Berkes.

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